Free Tools for Online Reputation Management (ORM) - SEO Articles Services India

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Free Tools for Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Online Reputation Management (ORM) is the process of online references to a brand, company, person or service while having a plan in place to deal with any negative feedback. ORM is typically considered to be a mix of marketing (including SEO and Internet Marketing) and public relations. There are numerous firms offering ORM services, although it’s something you can do on your own for free.

Here we are discussing few free tools which are available for monitoring your reputation online.

1. Google Alerts – This tool is very helpful to manage your brand. Your keyword search results are sent via e-mail for keyword mentions in news, web, blogs, video and groups categories.

2. BoardTracker – This tool searches forum threads and discussion boards for your specified keywords.

3. MonitorThis – It is feed based tool. MonitorThis is a search aggregator for up to 26 search engine feeds.

4. Naymz – A social network focused on reputation, personal branding, and identity verification. It's basic version is free.

5. Purewire Trust – An online portal that helps people verify reputation information about themselves and those with whom they interact online.

6. Yasni – This is a search engine dedicated to finding people on the web through publicly available information, including images, videos, social networking profiles and posts.

7. Google Blog Search – This is a Google search engine only for blogs. Here you can search your theme related blogs.

8. Technorati – Technorati is the leading blog search engine indexing millions of blog posts in real time. It also tracks the authority, influence and popularity of blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Thanks for providing these useful tips over here. Online Reputation Management is an important strategy for any company that is looking to develop a strong internet presence over the long term. This method builds a solid reputation for a business organisation on the World Wide...


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